
dtappgather(1)		 USER COMMANDS		   dtappgather(1)

     dtappgather - gather application files for	 presentation  by
     the Application Manager

     [ -r ]

     The Application Manager presents personal,	system,	and fac-
     tory applications in an easy-to-access window.  The Applica-
     tion Manager is implemented as a special File Manager view
     of	a subdirectory that is built on	a per-user, per-session
     basis.  The dtappgather utility is	responsible for	creating
     and refreshing the	user's Application Manager subdirectory.

     The dtappgather utility is	run at login and whenever the
     user invokes the ReloadApps action.  The user's individual
     subdirectory for the Application Manager,
     /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/$DTUSERSESSION, is opened when
     the user presses the Application Manager control on the
     Front Panel.

     The sequence of events is as follows:

	o	When the user logs in, the Xsession script
		sources	in the Xsession.d script that sets the
		DTUSERSESSION environment variable.

	o	Xsession then invokes the dtsearchpath utility to
		set the	DTAPPSEARCHPATH	environment variable.

	o	After dtsearchpath returns with	the DTAPPSEAR-
		CHPATH assembled, the Xsession script calls

	o	As its main function, dtappgather traverses the
		DTAPPSEARCHPATH, examining each	possible source
		of applications	and, where there are existing
		source subdirectories, creates symbolic	links
		between	the source and the user's DTUSERSESSION

	o	Finally, dtappgather turns off write permissions
		on the resulting subdirectory to ensure	its

		A similar sequence occurs when the user	double-
		clicks the ReloadApps action after logging in.

		Although the value of the DTAPPSEARCHPATH can be
		modified in a local shell, the Application
		Manager	view based on its value	is not functional

Unix System LaboratoLast change: 1 August 1995			1

dtappgather(1)		 USER COMMANDS		   dtappgather(1)

		until you log out and log back in.  Since this
		can be a tedious venture, you can verify the
		Application Manager view by executing dtsear-
		chpath(1) and dtappgather in the local shell.
		For example, to	add host trout as a system-wide
		application server, set	the dtsearchpath(1) input
		environment variable, DTSPSYSAPPHOSTS:


		Then, execute dtsearchpath(1) to update	the
		DTAPPSEARCHPATH	environment variable.

		eval `dtsearchpath`

		Finally, gather	the new	applications by	executing
		dtappgather.  The Application Manager will show
		the new	application groups but will not	be func-

     The -r option causes dtappgather to retain	the previous con-
     tents of the Application Manager, although	discarding broken
     links.  At	login, dtappgather destroys the	user's previous
     DTUSERSESSION subdirectory	before creating	a new one.  At
     ReloadApps	time, the -r option is used to minimize	visual
     disruption	of any opened Application Manager views.

     The command always	returns	0 (zero) for successful	comple-

		       Set by the dtsearchpath(1) utility.
		       DTAPPSEARCHPATH controls	the places where
		       dtappgather will	gather applications.  The
		       default locations consist of
		       $HOME/.dt/appmanager (for end users),
		       /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/$LANG (for
		       system administrators), and
		       /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/$LANG (for
		       factory applications).

	DTUSERSESSION  Controls	the location of	the end	user's
		       subdirectory where the Application Manager
		       will be rooted.	The subdirectory name
		       includes	both the user's	$LOGNAME and
		       $DISPLAY	in order to ensure the user's
		       view of the Application Manager remains
		       consistent across sessions.

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dtappgather(1)		 USER COMMANDS		   dtappgather(1)

     When searching for	system administrator and factory default
     Application Manager files,	dtappgather always uses	a value
     of	$LANG equal to C.  When	the user picks a language at
     login, the	corresponding $LANG subdirectories are searched.
     If	multiple $LANG subdirectories exist in
     /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager, all $LANG subdirectories will
     appear in the Application Manager;	however, if multiple
     $LANG subdirectories exist	in /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager
     then the language-specific	subdirectory based on the current
     value of $LANG is chosen instead of the C subdirectory.

     Regardless	of locale, all the action files	that exist under
     the user's	$HOME/.dt/appmanager subdirectory will be symbol-
     ically linked to the user's Application Manager subdirec-

		       Among its tasks at login, the Xsession
		       script invokes dtsearchpath(1), and then

		       This subdirectory is where dtappgather
		       assembles the Application Manager view for
		       the particular user and TED session.

     In	the case of multiple search locations having the same
     name, dtappgather picks only the first and	discards the
     rest.  For	example, if the	system administrator sets
     and if both hosts,	tuna and trout,	have an
     /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C/Editors folder, then only the
     Editors folder from tuna (the first host) will appear in the
     user's Application	Manager.

     After building the	user's DTUSERSESSION, dtappgather turns
     off write permissions on that subdirectory	to disallow
     alteration	by the end user.  Although the end user	can
     resize the	window and rearrange the icons within the window,
     the Application Manager is	intended to be a read-only source
     of	local and networked applications.

     dtappintegrate(1),	dtsearchpath(1).

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See also dtappgather(1)

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