

   lpstat -- print information about the status of the LP print service 


   lpstat [options] [request-ID-list]


   The lpstat command displays information about the current status of
   the LP print service. If no options are given, lpstat displays the
   status of all print requests made by you. (See lp(1) for details.)
   Status messages containing supplementary code set characters are
   displayed according to the locale specified in the LC_CTYPE
   environment variable (see LANG on environ(5)).

   The command lpstat -o printername is used to list all the requests
   queued on the specified printer. If printername points to a remote
   printer (see lpadmin(1M)), then lpstat -o printername lists all the
   requests on the remote printer, not just those submitted locally.

   Any arguments that are not options are assumed to be request-IDs as
   returned by lp. The lpstat command displays the status of such
   requests. The options may appear in any order and may be repeated and
   intermixed with other arguments. Some of the keyletters below may be
   followed by an optional list that can be in one of two forms:
     * a list of items separated by commas, for example, -p
     * a list of items separated by spaces and enclosed in quotes, for
       example, -u "user1 user2 user3"

   Specifying all after any keyletter that takes list as an argument
   causes all information relevant to the keyletter to be displayed. For
   example, the command lpstat -a all lists the accepting status of all
   print destinations.

   The omission of a list following such keyletters causes all
   information relevant to the keyletter to be displayed. For example,
   the command lpstat -a is equivalent to lpstat -a all. The exception to
   the behavior of the all keyword is when it is used in conjunction with
   the -o option: lpstat -o all only lists requests submitted locally to
   remote printers.

   The following options and arguments may be used with lpstat:
   -a [list]
          Report whether print destinations are accepting requests. list
          is a list of intermixed printer names and class names.
   -c [list]
          Report names of all classes and their members. list is a list
          of class names.
          Report what the system default destination is (if any).
   -f [list] [-l]
          Verify that the forms in list are recognized by the LP print
          service. list is a list of forms; the default is all. The -l
          option will list the form parameters.
   -o [list] [-l]
          Report the status of print requests. list is a list of
          intermixed printer names, class names, and request-IDs. The
          keyletter -o may be omitted. The -l option lists for each
          request whether it is queued for, assigned to, or being printed
          on a local printer, the form required (if any), and the
          character set or print wheel required (if any). Note that
          required forms (if any) are not listed for remote printers.
   -p [list] [-D] [-l]
          If the -D option is given, a brief description is printed for
          each printer in list. If the -l option is given, a full
          description of each printer's configuration is given, including
          the form mounted, the acceptable content and printer types, a
          printer description, the interface used, and so on.
          The information needed to produce the printer status given by
          lpstat -p is available only if the LP scheduler is running.
          Report the status of the LP request scheduler (whether it is
          Report a number showing the rank order of jobs in the print
          queue for each printer.
   -s [-l]
          Display a status summary, including the status of the LP
          scheduler, the system default destination, a list of class
          names and their members, a list of printers and their
          associated devices, a list of the systems sharing print
          services, a list of all forms and their availability, and a
          list of all recognized character sets and print wheels. The -l
          option displays all parameters for each form and the printer
          name where each character set or print wheel is available.
   -S [list] [-l]
          Verify that the character sets or the print wheels specified in
          list are recognized by the LP print service. Items in list can
          be character sets or print wheels; the default for list is all.
          If the -l option is given, each line is appended by a list of
          printers that can handle the print wheel or character set. The
          list also shows whether the print wheel or character set is
          mounted or specifies the built-in character set into which it
   -t [-l]
          Display all status information: all the information obtained
          with the -s option, plus the acceptance and idle/busy status of
          all printers and status of all requests. The -l option displays
          more detail as described for the -f, -o, -p, and -s options.
          Supplementary code set characters specified are not printed
   -u [login-ID-list]
          Display the status of output requests for users. The
          login-ID-list argument may include any or all of the following
               a user on the local system
               a user on system system-name
               all users on system system-name
               a user on all systems
               all users on the local system
               all users on all systems
          The default value of login-ID-list is all.


   /etc/lp/ * 
   /var/spool/lp/ * 
          language-specific message file. (See LANG on environ(5)).



   © 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
   UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004
See also lpstat(1)

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